Outsourced CIO

The average Chief Information Officer takes home a six figure salary. They cost even more when you consider hiring and training expenses and the paid leave/additional benefits you’ll be responsible for. Sensible Systems, LLC. provides a more affordable way to manage your IT needs. Our outsourced CIO service allows you to take advantage of all the benefits […]

The average Chief Information Officer takes home a six figure salary.

They cost even more when you consider hiring and training expenses and the paid leave/additional benefits you’ll be responsible for.

Sensible Systems, LLC. provides a more affordable way to manage your IT needs. Our outsourced CIO service allows you to take advantage of all the benefits offered by an in-house CIO without being on the hook for the substantial investment it takes to keep an officer-level employee on staff.

  • Cut the fat and still satisfy your IT needs: you shouldn’t be paying for some one-size-fits-all solution that includes features you’ll never use. We will customize a service plan that focuses on what you’ll actually use and save you money by cutting out whatever you don’t need.
  • Disaster prevention: our mix of on-site and off-site backups allows you to recover from any disaster, but ideally you’ll never have to deal with disaster in the first place. We’ll remotely monitor your network to eliminate viruses before they spread, and we’ll also regularly assess your equipment and upgrade outdated hardware before it fails.
  • Take advantage of the cloud: If you depend on on-premises equipment, every time you have to accommodate growth you have to invest in new hardware and additional electricity/maintenance expenses. The cloud is much more flexible. By remotely renting out space from an unlimited pool of resources, you’ll be able to scale up with just the click of a button with no significant investment in additional infrastructure required.
  • Long-term tech planning: it’s easy to get distracted by solving all the little problems that present themselves in your day-to-day operations, but if you want to still be in business in 5 or 10 years you’ll have to start planning for the future now. We will work with you to plan ahead so that you won’t be caught off guard by the challenges that come with growth.

We know how to effectively manage IT infrastructure, so you can devote more of your time and energy to focusing on your core business functions.

Contact us at (877) 773-6797 or {email} for more information.

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