Expert Strategic IT Advice

August 2018 Microsoft Office 365 (Features/Benefits)

What Are The New Updates On Microsoft Office 365 For August 2018? As Microsoft continually works on improving the Office 365 experience for its users, the new August 2018 updates include some helpful, fun, and entertaining new experiences…

Top 10 Laptops Of 2018

What Are The 10 Top Laptops of 2018? One does not just walk into a store and purchase the first laptop he sees these days; they’re a pretty big investment! Everyone wants to get all the great features…

What Does End-Of-Life Really Mean? This Important Question — Answered!

End-Of-Life Vs. End-Of-Sale The end of a product’s lifecycle can mean trouble for companies that haven’t prepared for the inevitable. If your organization uses certain products on a daily basis, you may find it difficult to keep up…

Can My IT Company Help Us Communicate Efficiently?

10 Effective Ways To Communicate In The Workplace Communication is a very important aspect of any organization because it forms the basis of any work environment. Whether we’re talking about vertical communications between senior and junior employees or…

Are You Safe From A Cyber Attack? (Business Owner Information)

5 Security Questions You Should Be Asking Your Team Cyber threats are continuously advancing with new and more complex threats rising to the surface around the globe. In order for a business to meet its objectives and deliver…

How IT Issues Can Hinder Your Team’s Productivity

Productivity is a major source of contention across offices everywhere. In today’s workplaces, distractions abound. While there are the typical culprits of reduced productivity, such as cell phone usage and office banter, there are other factors that can…

Microsoft Ending Forum Support For Older Operating Systems

Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users may be in for a surprise, as Microsoft plans to end forum support for these older systems. Some Microsoft users have reacted very negatively, citing Microsoft’s earlier promise to support Windows 8.1…

Tips to Keep IT Managers on Top of Their Work

An IT manager’s work can be difficult at times. This is mostly because of the ever-dynamic nature of technology. There is always something new and better being developed every day. It is the work of the IT manager…

Protecting Your Computer From Intruders

Almost every single PC is hosted on some server or online platform such as the cloud. It’s hard to use a computer without uploading and downloading data. But this can open the door to malware. It is alarming…

What Do I Need To Do To Be DFARS Compliant?

With the escalating cyber threats that affect the U.S. Government, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued a Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to safeguard the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) unclassified information. The regulation now requires all…