With Internet Explorer On The Way Out, What Does Your Business Do Next?

Did You Know?  Microsoft Is Pulling The Plug On Internet Explorer? That’s Right – Support Ending for Internet Explorer Internet Explorer is how most of us got broken into the internet – it was our first web browser, and anyone who used a computer during the 90s or early 2000s likely used a version of […]

Did You Know?  Microsoft Is Pulling The Plug On Internet Explorer? That’s Right – Support Ending for Internet Explorer

internet explorer

Internet Explorer is how most of us got broken into the internet – it was our first web browser, and anyone who used a computer during the 90s or early 2000s likely used a version of Internet Explorer at one time or another. But security issues and serious bugs have made the browser less and less appealing over time, especially as safer and newer options have been released.

With Explorer’s market share now dipping as low as just 11% (while Chrome leads with around 43%) Microsoft has finally pulled the plug. For the first time in years, Explorer won’t be included in the majority of new Windows versions. So what are your alternative options if you’ve remained a die-hard Internet Explorer user?

Where Can You Turn?

First of all, just because support is ending, it doesn’t mean you absolutely can’t use Explorer anymore – still, you should consider switching to a more modern browsers sooner rather than later. If you install current browsers like Chrome or Firefox, you can import your bookmarks and preferences over from Explorer to make the switch a little easier. With any browsers, ensure you’re working with the latest version so that any old bugs are fixed and vulnerabilities are patched.

Microsoft’s Next Web Browser

Keep in mind that Microsoft isn’t totally pulling out of the browser game. Over the years, Internet Explorer has become synonymous with security issues, so Microsoft’s best bet was to start over, and they have.

Their next browser is currently underway and is set to be called “Project Spartan”, at least for now. We don’t know much about the new browser so far, but Microsoft ensures they’re working to make it free of vulnerabilities and security issues that plagued their last browser for so many of its final years.

Don’t let the end of support for Explorer get you down – there are tons of safer (better) options out there, and even more on the way.

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